The skills and knowledge of our employees are vital to Indofood's success, which is why we place a strong emphasis on continuous development through a variety of training programs. We also recognize that every employee has the potential to excel and deserves opportunities for career development.
- See our Sustainability Report for more details on employment training and development
Employee Competency Development
Employee competences are crucial to Indofood’s success so we focus on continually developing their knowledge and skills through various training programs that combine technical and non-technical content. Technical training, often towards qualifications or certification, while non-technical training covers capabilities such as leadership, work organization, financial planning, and business communication.
Training is provided to employees at all levels, and is tailored to their needs, whether they are at the headquarters, divisions or operational units. Indofood believes every employee has the potential to excel and so we provide everyone with opportunities for career development. This promotes talent retention and employee motivation.
Career Development and Performance Appraisal
Indofood listens to employees’ aspirations, gives feedback on performance, and provides a platform for career development. This promotes both talent retention and employee motivation, and maximizes the potential for employees to excel. Annual performance evaluations are conducted for all employees through our performance management system. The performance evaluation result is considered an important component in succession planning and developing individual development programs. To increase employee motivation and development, we engage in job enrichment. Employees who have performed well are promoted in accordance with the Company’s needs.
Indofood has implemented an online performance management system as part of the Company’s digitalization and efficiency improvement initiatives. The system integrates various phases of the appraisal process, including planning, monitoring, and coaching, evaluation, and future development. During the planning phase, employees and their superiors jointly review training that has been taken over the preceding year, establish annual work targets, and identify the development programs that will develop the skills required to achieve those targets.