Stronger Together with Our People and Communities

Our Approach

Indofood recognizes the wide-reaching impact we have on the lives and livelihoods of our employees and the communities neighboring our operations.

Indofood respects the right of each employee to work in a safe and productive working environment; we are committed to ensuring their health and safety at work. We work to protect employee rights and to maintain harmonious labor relations. Our Company Regulation and Collective Labor Agreements commit us to uphold human rights in our labor practices and to adhere to all relevant labor laws. We communicate regularly with labor unions to ensure our employees’ interests are understood and met, and we ensure our policies are in-line with all relevant Government Regulations. We believe that fair labor practices, employee welfare, career development opportunities, and a motivating work environment, are all important to employee satisfaction.

We support our communities through various social and economic programs. We provide health services, we collaborate with Government, Non Government Organization (NGO), and other partners on entrepreneurship initiatives, and we empower micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to create positive impacts on communities.

Labor Practices and People Development

We prioritize respect for human rights and the holistic well-being of our employees through policies such as our Company Regulation and Collective Labor Agreements. We consider the overall health and safety of our employees to be of utmost importance, and we work to create a safe and inclusive work environment that complies with labor standards. Read More

Ensuring Occupational Health and Safety
Indofood is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for all employees, as well as for contractors and visitors to the Company’s facilities. The Company’s Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Policy is aligned with Government Regulation No. 50 of 2012 on the Implementation of Occupational Health and Safety Management System, which prescribes Indonesia’s OHS standard. Read More

Developing Our Communities
We continue to develop and refine initiatives to benefit the communities where we operate. Once established, these efforts are monitored and regularly assessed in close consultation and collaboration with the supported communities. The programs cover the following areas: Nutrition for All, Building Human Capital, Strengthening Economic Value, Community Engagement in Protecting the Environment, and Solidarity and Humanity. Read More