The Company conducts its business activities responsibly, ethically and in compliance with prevailing rules and regulations in Indonesia. Indofood’s Corporate Governance policies were developed in line with the Indonesian laws and regulations, the Company’s Articles of Association (“AOA”) and Good Corporate Governance (“GCG”) principles, which advocate transparency, accountability, responsibility, independency and fairness.
Corporate Governance Structure
Based on Law No. 40 Year 2007 regarding Limited Liability Company (“Company Laws”), the Company’s organs consist of the General Meeting of Shareholders (“GMS”), the Board of Commissioners (“BOC”) and the Board of Directors (“BOD”). They are assisted by the Committees and Corporate Secretary, and play an important role in the implementation of GCG. The Company’s organs are required to perform their functions based on prevailing regulations, the AOA and the GCG principles.
Committees Structure
In performing its oversight duties, the BOC is assisted by the following two Committees:

1. Audit Committee
2. Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Corporate Secretary
Victor Suhendra was appointed as the Corporate Secretary of the Company on 01 August 2018 by the Decree of the Board of Directors dated 01 August 2018.Read More
Risk Management System
The Company recognizes that adequate implementation of risk management system is crucial for the management of various business risks. The goal of this system is to ensure that risks that could hinder the Company from achieving its business objectives are mitigated properly. The Company manages its risks by implementing Enterprise Risk Management (“ERM”) throughout the organization. The Board of Directors (“BOD”) is responsible for and plays an important role in ensuring successful implementation of risk management program. A top-down assessment is taken by the BOD to promote high level risk awareness.

Meanwhile a bottom-up approach, following the Company’s ERM Policy and Procedure, enables subsidiary and business unit to be responsible for its own risk assessment which is reported to the Directors and/or related Directors of the subsidiaries and business units. This two-way assessment empowers the Boards and management to identify, manage, and mitigate the risks from both the management and operational perspectives. The corporate ERM team consolidates the key risks and provides a report to the BOD and Audit Committee every semester for their review. The Internal Audit Division conducts independent reviews through routine audits to provide reasonable assurance that risks have been identified and proper mitigating controls are in place.