Water is an indispensable resource for production and consumption across the Group, thus we monitor and measure our water use. Various water efficiency initiatives have been implemented include returning the steam condensate to boilers to be reused as feed-water; implementing clean-in-place systems to reduce water wastage; recycling water from the Waste Water Treatment Plant (“WWTP”) to flush toilets; and harvesting rainwater for domestic use.
We are also actively involved in nature rehabilitation and conservation efforts and are in close partnership with local communities and non-profit organizations to plant trees and rehabilitate mangroves at the vicinity of our operations. One of these partners is the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) of Indonesia who has cooperated with us since 2015 to protect water resources in areas like the protected forest of Mount Wilis in East Java, by planting trees and using geo-tagged photographs to monitor progress. Some of our operating units have also installed biopores and infiltration wells to increase ground water absorption capacity.
Managing Water