Indofood invests in people development through a wide range of training and development programs to improve employee competence, organizational competitiveness and customer satisfaction. These programs aim at enhancing both technical and soft skills of employees at all levels. Several training centers have been set up, including Indofood Education and Training Centers in Cibodas and Kertasarie in West Java, Rambong Sialang and Turangie in North Sumatra, Kayangan in Riau, Riam Indah in South Sumatra, and Nanga Silat in West Kalimantan.
Indofood conducts employee performance that is managed through a documented work plan and performance target for each year. Through performance evaluation, the Company is able to evaluate the individual employee performance and design the improvement plan needed for each employee. Indofood also has future leader plan to nurture its selected talents. The future leader plan includes various leadership programs and career coaches for potential leaders based on their competencies.
People Development